Invited talks:
Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Combinatorics Seminar, 5 December 2024.
University of Szeged, Combinatorics Seminar, 23 July 2024.
London School of Economics and Political Science, Seminar on Combinatorics, Games and Optimisation, 8 February 2024.
University of Warwick, Combinatorics Seminar, 24 November, 2023.
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Graph theory and Combinatorics, 10 October 2023.
Queen Mary University of London, Combinatorics Study Group, 31 March 2023.
London School of Economics and Political Science, PhD seminar on Combinatorics, Games and Optimization, 17 March 2023.
Birmingham Maths Research Festival, 16 November 2022.
Iowa State University, Discrete Math Seminar, 20 September 2022.
Birmingham-Warwick One-Day Combinatorics Meeting, 14 June 2022.
University of Birmingham, Combinatorics Seminar, 3 March 2022.
Freie Universität Berlin, Combinatorics Research Seminar, 12 May 2021.
Contributed talks:
30th British Combinatorial Conference, 4 July 2024.
British Early Career Mathematicians' Colloquium, 13 June 2024.
28th Postgraduate Combinatorial Conference, 15 April 2024.
European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, 31 August 2023.
20th Random Structures and Algorithms, 3 August 2022.
British Early Career Mathematicians' Colloquium, 22 July 2022.
29th British Combinatorial Conference, 14 July 2022.
43rd Australasian Combinatorics Conference, 16 December 2021.
British Early Career Mathematicians' Colloquium, 15 July 2021.
28th British Combinatorial Conference, 5 July 2021.
Invited participant to Workshop at the University of Warwick, 27 - 30 August 2024.
Early Career Researchers in Combinatorics (ECRiC24), ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh, 15 July - 19 July 2024.
Invited participant to Extremal Graphs and Hypergraphs, Institut Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm, Sweden, 8 July - 12 July 2024.
Invited participant to the Focused Workshop on Saturation in the Forbidden Subposet Problem, Erdős Centre, Budapest, Hungary, 31 July - 4 August 2023.
Invited participant to the UCL workshop in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, London, 2 - 5 May 2023.
XVI Escuela de Verano en Matemáticas Discretas, 18 - 22 January 2021.